Many web design companies show awards for their previous design jobs

 Advanced Web Designs

 We prefer to let our high search engine results speak for themselves.

Source Ordered, CSS Layouts, PHP Templates, Database Driven, CMS Integrated, Cross-Browser Compatible, Valid Mobile app development & website designs

If all Mobile app development & website designs had these features they would all be far more successful. It is well known that a good Mobile app development & website design is one that draws in first time visitors and turns them into buyers or repeat visitors. Mike's Mobile app development & website designs do that.

Mobile app development company Guwahati

The web page xHTML code is structured so that the most important content comes first (source ordered) in the document. The code is kept lean and extra HTML markup is kept to a minimum. The design layouts are achieved with various types of CSS style sheets which keep the design separate from the content. This separation is also enhanced with the use of a CMS (Content Management System) which also allows the clients to maintain the content -- both text and images -- by storing the information in a fast database specifically for Mobile app development & website designs. This content is placed on pages inside a template (often using PHP to process the scripts) , making the site easy to modify in the short or long term. The sites all pass the various code validity checks to ensure our sites look correct on different operating systems and in the wide variety of internet browser programs (cross-browser compatibility checks).

Mobile app development company India

This uniquely balanced combination of web designing techniques make more of our Mobile app development & website designs visible to more people (and the pages load lightning fast).

These Mobile app development & website designs are built on an Apple Mac (and rigorously tested on Windows and Linux) with the best design software applications:

Many web design companies show awards for their previous design jobs


program for designing graphics and formatting images.


App development in gwalior

program for building the web pages and templates.

Firefox & Sunrise Browser

programs for testing the site for valid code.

Safari & Internet Explorer

programs for testing to ensure the sites work on other platforms.

Text Wrangler

program for hand coding the php and html.


program to FTP upload the images and html files.

Ours pages are accessible -- are yours?

website  design company 

Mike works hard to ensure that all his Mobile app development & website designs have a high level of accessibility according to the guidelines and standards. Our accessibility can be seen in our online forms, tables and images by us taking the time to correctly implement alt descriptions, the title attribute and table summaries.

By doing things right from the initial design enables all future site pages or archives to also include these accessible technologies.
